Monday, November 8, 2010

(belated) Year Anniversary

According to the Dr.'s scale I'm at 166lbs.

I wish I could have gone back to a remeasure because 30 minutes later I did a poo so lethal it broke the toilet in the Thai restaurant we had dinner at. Pretty sure after that monstrosity I was at least 5lbs lighter.

No guys, seriously, lethal poo was lethal. I dashed off just when the appetizers arrived and didn't resurface until mom was finished with her meal entirely. Their toilet was apparently no match for me because holy cow I flodded that fecker like woah.

Also, apparently there is no word in Thai for plunger.

Anyway, back to the doc, according to him mom and I are now at the level playing ground that normal "skinny" people are at. If we want to reach our individual goals we'll have to kick up the exercise regime and watch our foods better.

Mom and I took that into serious consideration as we drove home. Each of us sipping on our limeaide slushies and hot chocolate and gnoshing on butterfingers/paydays respectively.

Right now I'm fighting Jansky for a slice of sargento cheddar, so I'm ending this now.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


emo post made me feel better. I shall edit it down when I'm done typing this:

I took a swig of DayQuil and the first thought that flashed through my mind was "NOT AS TASTY AS PEPTO!"

Eugh. It burns us.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I am angry

The yoga instructor likes to say that we should, not exactly embrace it, but acknowledge and feel our anger. Do not follow it to its root, do not try analyze why you are angry, just feel angry and eventually come to terms with the fact that you are angry. Do not try to escape the emotion, do not try to lash out or justify it. Don't make excuses. Just be angry. You need to come to terms with the fact that that angry person is a part of you. You cannot get rid of that person, you have to learn to live with them.

So that's what I'm doing... and in all honesty it only makes me want to lash out even more. However, by embracing the anger and not trying to rationalize it (because we as human beings do not like feeling angry, we like and can handle the side emotions it comes with better than we can handle the anger itself) I was able to understand where my anger truly is coming from. Hormones. Nobody around me has done anything that is particularly out of character for them, and it is getting close to my "I enjoy being a girl" time of the month. Usually I get the zits pop up everywhere side effect, I very rarely get angry like this. Strangely enough not many zits this month but a whole lot of rage.

Apparently I am not worth call backs.

I am angry at stupid people at the nursing homes I work at. Do not lay someone down shortly after I say we need them for therapy. Do not bitch at me for not getting YOUR PERSON FIRST THE SECOND YOU STEP IN. There were other therapists there before you. Also, if a person is just down the hall... GET THEM YOURSELF YOU LAZY BUM. >I Do not talk about farting on residents to get a reaction out of them. That makes you a diseased maggot who does horrible things to SICK OLD PEOPLE.

I encourage everyone to stop mocking my vernacular. It is was makes me endearing. BE ENDEARED DAMNIT!

I am ashamed that I snapped at mom yesterday over hotel reservations. She didn't deserve it.

I am also frustrated and upset that my immunity system is getting some sort of turbulence. I don't know if I'm getting a cold or if it is just my allergies starting to go into overdrive. I also get heartburn by just looking at food, so I dumped whatever money I got from the garage sale on pepto.

There have been some ups to my week though, last night I caught up on season g of QI and today I got a birthday brownie from Penny! <3 I also bought T-dawg's birthday present. He's getting the first 8 volumes of Naruto (I had vol. 4-8 already, I just needed to replace 1, 2, & 3) and while at B&N I picked up some photoshop magazines. I shall invest in CS5 when my loan check comes in. :o

I find I shall probably regret this post but whatever, this is my "I AM CANDID GET OVER IT" blog.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Stage Two Day Two

So day two and I'm doing alright. I found myself wishing I could just chomp down into a sandwich or something a few times today, but managed to stay strong. I got a hunger headache around noon today and was ecstatic when I finally got home and was able to EAT SOMETHING. The headache quickly cleared and I took an hour long nap.

I also went to yoga and felt much better for it.

I weighed this afternoon, I'd lost one pound since the beginning of Sep. Poo.

Yogurt (dannon fruit at the bottom)

6 tablespoon fulls of homemade chicken noodle soup (I accidentally put waaaaaaay too much salt in it when I was heating it up)
1/2 tablespoon of peanut butter on some whole grain club crackers
yogurt (another dannon fruit at the bottom)

Cup of white rice and an egg with soy sauce

1 yogurt (yoplait this time)
1 teaspoon peanut butter and 3 whole grain club crackers
a pinch of diced ham and cheese (mom had an omelet for dinner)
A billion gram cracker goldfish.

As far as beverages go I'm almost done with a 24oz bottle of propel and I'm still working on the rest of yesterday's powerade.

Monday, September 20, 2010

You start with crackers and end with silver jugs

A line from the audio book I'm listening to.

Anyway I'm ducking back to a Stage 2 diet. Weight loss has slowed to a painful crawl and if I'm to meet my bet with Ben I have to kick it up to the next level. Level 2 is mostly soft foods that you would introduce to an infant or would be able to eat on a mechanical soft diet. Well ground foods with mild seasonings/spices, beans, eggs, and yogurt. So far the day's gone alright... I had a pudding cup.

Today's meals were


egg drop soup

baked tostitos
left over taco meat
beans/sour cream/cheese sauce

1 yogurt
1 pudding cup
an odd amount of pretzels
table spoon of peanut butter

I also managed to get down a 24oz bottle of propel and I'm suckling my way through a 32oz bottle of powerade.'

I did a stupid and took a migraine pill and instead of making me feel better it made me dizzy and weak. I just want to crawl under the covers and sleep, which is what will be happening once I finish drawing my fuzzy old man for class.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Dental Hygiene

So my electric toothbrush went out this morning. I went with mom to target to pick up Lyrissa's birthday present and a battery toothbrush (until I can find some place that sold replacement handles).

I found one that would work and went to put it in my basket when mom pointed out that the childrens' battery brushes had the same brush head and was only $6 as opposed to the adult's $21+ toothbrushes.

So I now have a Wall*E electric tooth brush.
I will never get laid.


Sunday, August 29, 2010

Well.. figured out what happens when I do milk

I get mega bloated and feel like I ate rotten sour food.
I then have the most rancid milk farts ever... and here I thought my ice cream gas was bad.

It was the most delicious hot chocolate I've ever had though. That's the last time I'm doing hot chocolate from a nice coffee place, but I shall look fondly back upon it and sigh whimsically because it will never happen again.

So I've been working full time for the past 3 weeks. I enjoy having a place to go in the morning, it's nice having a structured schedule. Killer on the social life though.

I mostly do a lot of walking up and down stairs and pushing old people to and from therapy (I don't push them up and down stairs... that'd be mean. I take the elevator when I'm with a resident). I've noticed my appetite has increased since I started doing this. I don't know if the job has a part in that or I'm just in a high food period. Clothes seem to be fitting a little better too. I also have formed a bit of an oral fixation, that might have to do with the constant munchies.

I seemed to have had a UTI for a little while, I doubt I'm fully free of it but at least I don't feel like I have to pee 24/7 and it doesn't burn like a house fire when I do go.