Friday, September 18, 2009

Eat it while you can

Last Friday while therapy was out in the hallway working with a small group of our "Morning People" the topic of "last meals" came up. What will our last meal before the surgery be? Are we going to eat high dollar foods? Super greasy chow? Good old fashioned comfort food? Fry our brains out with sugar? Or will we take it easy and go with a light meal?

I've had quite a few people who have done the MGB come up and tell me to pick out all my favourite restaurants and go there before the surgery. Mom and I have started a small list of places we need to go before we can no longer pig out like we used to.

At the top is Culvers followed by the Corner Cafe and BD's (love me some Mongolian BBQ).
Ever since I've adopted the mindset of "Eat it while I can" I've noticed my jeans feel smaller than usual.


Alright, so this is a BIG EDIT. I had started this post at work but had to skimp off to go do my job and the post remained unfisnished for the weekend.

Saturday we did the Support Group meeting. Met four lovely ladies who'd had the surgery anywhere from 3 months to 6 years ago. It was fascinating to see how each one ate after the various time gaps. It was also encouraging to see that even though the surgery will change the way I eat, I'll still be able to go out to restaurants and eat socially.

We discussed things like how to eat (chew chew chew, don't follow a bite with water if you're feeling a little choked or full-just wait it out), what to keep on hand (small salt packets are handy and bottles of gatorade are good to keep around should you ever feel nauseous), what to do in restaurants (it's ok to let them take good away, or to even take in your own beverages), and I finally got some answers to my questions about alochol.

Because I'm blocking off 90% of my stomach more alochol will be hitting my liver. It is important to avoid alochol for AT LEAST a year or two before taking cautious sips. Alochol will have a stronger effect that lasts longer too, hence why it is easy for people who have had the procedure to become alocholic. I asked what would they suggest I do should I ever be in a situation where I am pressured to drink. They suggested to talk to the bartender and ask him to pretend like he's mixing me a drink when in reality all he's doing is shaking juice around or to make sure at least one person knows I've had the surgery and swap out for their empties.

Apparently after the surgery you're nothing but a gas house... and that my gas will smell even worse than usual.


maybe I don't want to split a room with mom after all.

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