Dear Readers (all two of you),
Let me tell you about my day. I usually try not to talk about stuff that isn't related to my ass and its fatness, but today has been something 'thuper 'special and I felt it needed to be shared.
Originally I was going to work today.
But on Monday I came in, got everything done, and decided to spend today getting ready for tomorrow. Dad had hernia surgery yesterday and will be spending the next week at home. That was enough incentive to go to work. I said I'd get to work at 12 so I could bring in some lunch. This was well met.
So I'm farting about in the basement when I hear the doorbell. I think "WHO COULD THAT BE IS ONLY 9." I decide that black cat jammie bottoms are not the best thing to answer the door in(and I doubted dad would be getting up to get it) so I change into a pair of relatively clean jeans. By the time I've dashed upstairs dad's standing outside talking to a uniformed police officer (Dad's in a wife beater and rather ugly Moose plaid pj pants), they nod, dad says something things and the officer looks all official then turns around and walks away. When dad realized I was standing at the top of the stairs with an "OH GOD WHAT'S GOING ON THAT'S THE POPO" look on my face he assures me that it's all ok. He was "dialing a Kansas 913 number but the phone read it as 911."
Please note that he some how made it the phones fault. This is apparently "typical male behavior."
Reassured that nothing sinister was going down I retreated to the sanctity of my basement and decided to screw whatever morning stuff I had left, I was getting out of there before he did anything else stupid.
I called my mom, got lunch orders (Carol wanted breadsticks from the Taco Bell/Pizza Hut and mom and I were going to split a bean and cheese burrito), and drove my merry way to the Pizzabell. I pulled in through the drive through and place an order for said breadsticks when the lady says they haven't made any yet, but it'd only take 5 minutes. I said that was fine and I'd just go ahead and place my order inside and wait. I get in, order two things of breadsticks (because, hey, fresh breadsticks! can't resist that) and a few burritos/tacos to share. I pay, get my drinks all situated, and settle down to wait as they cook and box my order.
I watched as the lady got fresh breadsitcks out of the oven, as she cut them, and poured red saunce into little plastic cups. I watched as the young man smeared beans over tortilla shells and popped them in the oven to warm. I watched as they were getting ready to wrap it all up to go...
This is when things get strange.
The manager is over by the take out menu when she starts saying something about flipping a switch or having one of her employees tug on a wire, then she starts in on a funny smell (it's a Taco Hut.. when is there no, and starts losing her cool.
Apparnetly when the guy tugged on the cord it caused smoke to come out of one of their outlets. She then proceededs to panic, telling people to call 911. One of the ladies does so and after a few seconds of saying "smells bad and smoke is coming out" when she passes the phone over to the manager who is hyperventilating over the whole ordeal. She then announces that everyone needs to get out, and to get out now.
I am not amused. Most of my order is RIGHT THERE, just waiting to be handed to me.
Everyone's running around like a chicken with its head cut off.
No food for me.
I stepped outside, because the manager looked like she was about to shit a brick and really didn't need another fussy customer to deal with (especially since she was having a hard time getting her EMPLOYEES to do what she said).
This is when I realized I just spent $11.78 on food I was never going to get. I marched my happy ass back in and reminded the lady I'd paid.
I ended up getting everything back in cash. I stopped by the manor, got new lunch orders, and drove to Back Yard Burger.
Guess what was there.
Two fire trucks and a few cop cars. They'd just come from Pizza Taco.
there was a firetruck at the Chipotle we gad dinner at as well.