Protein is still an issue. Not building muscle. Nothing new there, moving on.
I was told I had chicken legs today.
It all started off with a sweater I thought was a sweater but was actually a dress. I've had the damned thing for about a year now and I'm just now finally able to fit in it. I'd originally assumed it was a sweater that you were supposed to just bunch up around the waist and go on your merry way but after further examination I realized that it fell just a little short of my knees. I wore it with a pair of dark dressy jeans and received a lot of compliments and some future suggestions.
Carolyn: "That's a dress that goes with leggings, go get some leggings."
Danielle: "Some people don't have the legs for leggings."
This was when I pulled the jeans tight against my leg and showed off just how scrawny my calves really are.
Danielle: "Damn if I had legs like that I'd always be showing them off."
Who knows, maybe this summer I'll invest in a pair of shorts.
I'm officially at the hair-loss stage. That said also really need a hair cut.