Well, the last week or two seems to have flown by.
I had my surgery a few days ago, but wasn't able to/didn't really feel up to blogging until today.
The one thing I'd like to say up front is that it HURT. I was either in pain or discomfort for most of the past few days. I'm doing better now, but mom's still uncomfortable. We think this has more to do with mom's hernia than anything. The doctor had tried to fix her hernia while he was working on her surgery. Every once in awhile she'll make an uncomfortable sound but it does seem like she's doing better.
But anyway, back to me, I was in pain when I woke up. They could not have hit me up with the happy juice fast enough and the second my candy button was set up I gave that bad boy a work out. When the nurses deemed it time that I get off the push button and go on the regular pain pills I had managed to use up all the allotted morphine.
I did alright with walking, the first time they suggested it I was up and stumbling around the hallways. They walked me passed mom's room so I'd know where to find her a few hours later and by the time I got back I was sore and stiff. I decided that nothing sounded better than a nice hot shower. The nurses were nice enough to tape up my tummy and let me sit in the shower for what felt like a few hours.
I just want to say that the nurses and technicians were the nicest people. They took good care of us.
I ended up staying an extra day at the hospital, mostly because of the discomfort I'd mentioned earlier. Basically I wasn't able to sit, lay, or stand comfortably without taking a pain pill and the doctor didn't want to send us me out like that. I also had a slight fever that night as well.
But all things said and done I'm fine. Still a little discomfort depending on how I sit or move.
A lot of people say they don't have a lot of pain, or talk about going out and doing things the next day... all I gotta say is that wasn't the case for us.
Also, I've not really had a taste for food. This was a problem at the hospital since they really wanted me to get something in my tummy, but now that I'm out I've been doing better with eating. The whipped chocolate mouse yogurt is my food of choice.
I have had one weird dream so far, it was a dream about nachos and mom and I said that we didn't care we wanted the nachos. I kept expecting pain in the dream but nothing. Oooo dreams.
Happy Halloween all.